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Electromagnetic flowmeters-OPTIFLUX 1000 Sensor

Electromagnetic flowmeters-OPTIFLUX 1000 Sensor

Mã sản phẩm: OPTIFLUX 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000
Nhà sản xuất: Krohne
Standard flow sensor for the process industry
For demanding applications: High temperatures, low conductivity, hazardous areas
Robust and reliable
The OPTIFLUX 1000 electromagnetic flow sensor is the standard in the process industry and suitable even for demanding applications.

Electromagnetic flowmeters-IFC 100 Signal converter

Electromagnetic flowmeters-IFC 100 Signal converter

Mã sản phẩm:  IFC 100
Nhà sản xuất:
The more than economical solution
Simple and easy to install and start-up
Diagnostics of device and application
Extremely fast signal conversion
The IFC 100 electromagnetic signal converter is designed to measure the flow velocity, conductivity, volume and mass flow of electrically conductive, liquid media.

Electromagnetic flowmeters-IFC 300 Signal converter

Electromagnetic flowmeters-IFC 300 Signal converter

Mã sản phẩm: IFC 300
Nhà sản xuất:
The signal converter with the highest performance
Diagnostics: Process and device diagnostics, accuracy check
One signal converter for all applications
Exceeds requirements of VDI / VDE 2650 and NAMUR NE 107
The electromagnetic signal converter IFC 300 is designed to measure the flow velocity, conductivity, volume and mass flow of electrically conductive liquid media.

Electromagnetic flowmeters-WATERFLUX 3070 Water meter

Electromagnetic flowmeters-WATERFLUX 3070 Water meter

Mã sản phẩm: WATERFLUX 3070
Nhà sản xuất:
Battery powered electromagnetic water meter
Battery driven with very low power consumption for remote locations
Easy installation without straight inlet or outlet lengths
IP 68 rated signal converter for submersion in flooded chambers
The IFC 070 is a battery powered electromagnetic signal converter designed for use in combination with the WATERFLUX 3000 sensor. It is ideal for remote locations in the water industry where no power connection is available and provides certainty in case of power failure.

Variable Area Flowmeters-H250 M40

Variable Area Flowmeters-H250 M40

Mã sản phẩm: H250 M40, M8, M9, M10
Nhà sản xuất:
H250 with M40 indicator
The new standard solution for the process industry. The H250/M40 flowmeters are setting a new standard in variable area flowmeter technology. They combine tried and tested flow measurement with latest communication capabilities like Foundation Fieldbus.
The functionality of the devices is modular extendable. The innovative construction allows a free choice of intrinsically safe or flameproof design.

Liên Hệ Trực Tuyến

Tel: (08) - 6675.2925

(08) - 3511.5746

Fax: (08) - 3511.7931

Hot Line: 0933.060.076



Cảm Biến - Sensor

Lượt truy cập

29-31 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District.
Telephone: 08-6675.2925      Fax: 08-3511.7931
Email: sales@cntruongthanh.com
Hotline: 0933.060.076
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