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Industrial Electronics Basic Principles

Mã sản phẩm: Basic Principles,SPECTORbus/Compact,Conventional Design
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With the new system for boilers according to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC, we meet not only the latest technical requirements but also offer new highlights in safety, functionality and service
Boiler safety has a new benchmark.
The level limiters have been granted TÜV and EU type approvals according to EN 12952/EN 12953. These Directives state, among other things, the requirements made on limiting systems and equipment for steam boiler plants and (pressurized) hot water installations. The low-level limiter and high-level alarm system is certified acc. to IEC 61508 for the Safety Integrity Level 3 (SIL 3).
This includes the following safety-related characteristics:
The safety parameters were checked and certified by TÜV Süd – proof of the system’s long-term durability without hazardous failures. The new limiter system NRS 1-50 / NRG 1x-50 is an advancement of the successful series NRG 1x-11 / NRS 1-7, which it will replace by the end of 2010. The new low-level limiter enables the interconnection of two low-level electrodes with one low-level limiter switch, thus fulfilling the requirement for two independently working low-level limiters.
Special features:
Low-level limiter by interconnecting 2 low-level electrodes with one low level switch
Automatic, cyclic and redundant self-monitoring
Forcibly guided safety relays, dual processor
Error diagnosis for rapid detection of malfunctions
Instantaneous external signalling for each measurement channel
Flexible assignment of the output safety circuit contacts support customization for national requirements
Approved safety over the entire product lifetime

» Gestra - Industrial Electronics Continuous Blowdown Valves: 0 VND (Continuous Blowdown Valves,Programme-Controlled Blowdown Systems)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics Liquid Monitoring: 0 VND (Rapid-Action Intermittent Blowdown Valves,Liquid Monitoring)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics Temperature Control: 0 VND (Temperature Control,Flowmeters,SPECTOR Demonstration Facility,SPECTORcontrol)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics NRG 16-5: 0 VND (NRG 16-5,NRG 16-51)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics NRS 1-50 for two electrode: 0 VND (NRS 1-50 for one electrode,NRS 1-50 for two electrodes)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics NRS 1-51: 0 VND (NRS 1-51,NRG 16-50,NRG 16-5)
» Gestra - Industrial Electronics NRS 1-50 for one electrode: 0 VND (NRS 1-50 for one electrode,NRS 1-50 for two electrodes)
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